Compliance-Secure Innovation: Agnostic Framework For Business Value

With evolving technology landscape, growth is synonymous with new and innovative solutions. Our webinar, specifically designed for technology and business leaders in regulatory industries, addresses this head-on. We are focusing on the intersection of Generative AI, agnostic frameworks and compliance, and secure innovation.
  • Simplifying Modern Technology Integration: Learn to integrate modern tech seamlessly, overcoming obstacles and using agnostic frameworks to enhance your tech stack efficiently and compliantly.

  • Generative AI: Power and Security: Discover Generative AI’s impact on business and gain insights on its unique challenges.

  • Secure Programming and System Defense Best Practices: Dive into essential secure programming practices and why we need strong defenses against threats, ensuring system security under regulatory compliance.

We’also unveiled Compage, our universal language framework, that standardizes development, streamlines integration, enables Generative AI adoption, and bolsters security.

Download your on-demand recording today!

Speaker Details

Chandrakanth Paladugu - Founder of Capten.AI

Chandrakanth Paladugu is a skilled architect with a deep passion for problem-solving in various technical domains, including Cloud-Native, DevSecOps, Software Supply Chain Security, and Kubernetes. His expertise lies in leveraging extensive knowledge to democratize technology and empower engineering teams with agnostic open framework models.