Socket Programming For Getting Connection info in eBPF

Last Update : 07 August, 2023 | Published : 17 April, 2023 | 3 Min Read

The get_connection_info function in the eBPF program is responsible for extracting relevant information from the struct sock_common object and populating the corresponding data structures (struct sockaddr_in or struct sockaddr_in6) based on the address family (conn->skc_family) and event type (event).

static __always_inline int get_connection_info(struct sock_common *conn, struct sockaddr_in *sockv4, struct sockaddr_in6 *sockv6, sys_context_t *context, args_t *args, u32 event)
    switch (conn->skc_family)
    case AF_INET:
        sockv4->sin_family = conn->skc_family;//Sets the address family 
        sockv4->sin_addr.s_addr = conn->skc_daddr;//Copies the destination IP address
        sockv4->sin_port = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8);//
        args->args[1] = (unsigned long)sockv4;
        context->event_id = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? _TCP_CONNECT : _TCP_ACCEPT;

    case AF_INET6:
        sockv6->sin6_family = conn->skc_family;
        sockv6->sin6_port = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8);
        bpf_probe_read(&sockv6->sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr16, sizeof(sockv6->sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr16), conn->skc_v6_daddr.in6_u.u6_addr16);
        args->args[1] = (unsigned long)sockv6;
        context->event_id = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? _TCP_CONNECT_v6 : _TCP_ACCEPT_v6;

        return 1;

    return 0;
  1. Here’s a breakdown of the get_connection_info function:

The function takes several parameters: conn (a pointer to struct sock_common), sockv4 (a pointer to struct sockaddr_in), sockv6 (a pointer to struct sockaddr_in6), context (a pointer to sys_context_t), args (a pointer to args_t), and event (an unsigned 32-bit integer representing the event type).

  1. The function begins with a switch statement based on the skc_family field of conn.

3.1. In the case AF_INET branch, which corresponds to IPv4 addresses:

sockv4->sin_family = conn->skc_family;
  • The sin_family field of sockv4 is set to conn->skc_family, indicating the address family as AF_INET.
sockv4->sin_addr.s_addr = conn->skc_daddr;
  • The sin_addr.s_addr field of sockv4 is assigned the value of conn->skc_daddr, which represents the destination IP address.
sockv4->sin_port = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8);

The sin_port field of sockv4 is set based on the ternary expression (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8). If event is equal to _TCP_CONNECT, it assigns conn->skc_dport to sockv4->sin_port. Otherwise, it swaps the byte order of conn->skc_num and assigns the result as the port number. This ensures the correct representation of the port number in network byte order (big endian).

args->args[1] = (unsigned long)sockv4;
  • The second argument of args is set to the unsigned long value of sockv4, allowing passing the sockv4 structure to user-space.
context->event_id = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? _TCP_CONNECT : _TCP_ACCEPT;
  • The event_id field of context is set to _TCP_CONNECT if event is equal to _TCP_CONNECT, otherwise, it is set to _TCP_ACCEPT.

3.2. In the case AF_INET6 branch, which corresponds to IPv6 addresses:

sockv6->sin6_family = conn->skc_family;
  • The sin6_family field of sockv6 is set to conn->skc_family, indicating the address family as AF_INET6.
sockv6->sin6_port = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8);
  • The sin6_port field of sockv6 is set in a similar manner as in the IPv4 case, based on the ternary expression (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? conn->skc_dport : (conn->skc_num >> 8) | (conn->skc_num << 8).
bpf_probe_read(&sockv6->sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr16, sizeof(sockv6->sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr16), conn->skc_v6_daddr.in6_u.u6_addr16);
  • The IPv6 address is read from conn->skc_v6_daddr.in6_u.u6_addr16 using bpf_probe_read and stored in the sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr16 field of sockv6. This ensures that the IPv6 address is safely accessed and copied to user-space.
args->args[1] = (unsigned long)sockv6;
  • The second argument of args is set to the unsigned long value of sockv6, allowing passing the sockv6 structure to user-space.
context->event_id = (event == _TCP_CONNECT) ? _TCP_CONNECT_v6 : _TCP_ACCEPT_v6;
  • The event_id field of context is set to _TCP_CONNECT_v6 if event is equal to _TCP_CONNECT, otherwise, it is set to _TCP_ACCEPT_v6.

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