Userspace program

Last Update : 07 August, 2023 | Published : 17 April, 2023 | 6 Min Read

Major components you might find in this userspace eBPF program written using the Cilium eBPF library in Go are as follows:

  1. Loading pre-compiled eBPF programs into the kernel
  2. Attaching the eBPF program to a network interface using XDP (eXpress Data Path)
  3. Printing the contents of the BPF hash map (source IP address -> packet count) to stdout every second using a ticker.
  4. A helper function formatMapContents() to format the contents of the BPF hash map as a string.
  5. Error handling for all potential errors, such as failing to load the eBPF program or failing to attach it to the network interface.

package main

import (


Import statements for required Go packages and the Cilium eBPF library and link package.

// $BPF_CLANG and $BPF_CFLAGS are set by the Makefile.
//go:generate go run -cc $BPF_CLANG -cflags $BPF_CFLAGS bpf xdp.c -- -I../headers

This part of the code generates Go code that includes the compiled eBPF program as an embedded byte array, which is then used in the main Go program without relying on external files.

  1. The comment indicates following line is a Go generate directive, genertaes Go code that includes the compiled eBPF program, defined in the C source file xdp.c, as an embedded byte array.
  2. The $BPF_CLANG and $BPF_CFLAGS environment variables are used as parameters for the command, and they are expected to be set by the Makefile.
  3. These environment variables specify the C compiler and its flags to use when compiling the eBPF program.
func main() {
	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		log.Fatalf("Please specify a network interface")

	// Look up the network interface by name.
	ifaceName := os.Args[1]
	iface, err := net.InterfaceByName(ifaceName)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("lookup network iface %q: %s", ifaceName, err)

We check that the user has provided a command-line argument specifying the network interface to attach the XDP program to. If not, the program exits with a fatal error message.

We use the network interface name specified by the user to look up the corresponding interface object using the net.InterfaceByName() function. If the lookup fails, the program exits with a fatal error message.

	// Load pre-compiled programs into the kernel.
	objs := bpfObjects{}
	if err := loadBpfObjects(&objs, nil); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("loading objects: %s", err)
	defer objs.Close()

This creates an empty bpfObjects struct and then loads pre-compiled eBPF programs into the kernel using the loadBpfObjects() function.

  1. If the load fails, the program exits with a fatal error message.
  2. If the load succeeds, a defer statement is used to ensure that the Close() method of the bpfObjects struct is called at the end of the function, regardless of whether it returns normally or with an error.
	// Attach the program.
	l, err := link.AttachXDP(link.XDPOptions{
		Program:   objs.XdpProgFunc,
		Interface: iface.Index,
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not attach XDP program: %s", err)
	defer l.Close()
	log.Printf("Attached XDP program to iface %q (index %d)", iface.Name, iface.Index)
	log.Printf("Press Ctrl-C to exit and remove the program")

link.AttachXDP() attaches the XDP program to the specified network interface. It returns a handle to the XDP program that can be used to detach it later.

  1. The function takes an XDPOptions struct that specifies the program and the network interface. objs.XdpProgFunc is the eBPF program’s entry point function.
  2. Definiton of XDPOptions struct
type XDPOptions struct {
	// Program must be an XDP BPF program.
	Program *ebpf.Program

	// Interface is the interface index to attach program to.
	Interface int

	// Flags is one of XDPAttachFlags (optional).
	// Only one XDP mode should be set, without flag defaults
	// to driver/generic mode (best effort).
	Flags XDPAttachFlags

If an error occurs while attaching the XDP program, the program exits with a fatal error message.defer l.Close() defers the closing of the XDP program handle until the end of the function.

	// Print the contents of the BPF hash map (source IP address -> packet count).
	ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
	defer ticker.Stop()
	for range ticker.C {
		s, err := formatMapContents(objs.XdpStatsMap)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Error reading map: %s", err)
		log.Printf("Map contents:\n%s", s)

This code prints the contents of the BPF hash map to the console every second using a ticker.

  1. time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) creates a ticker that will send a message every second.
  2. defer ticker.Stop() defers the stopping of the ticker until the end of the function.
  3. The for range ticker.C loop receives messages from the ticker channel.
  4. formatMapContents() takes the eBPF map and returns a formatted string of the map’s contents.If there is an error reading the map, the error message is printed to the console, and the loop continues.
func formatMapContents(m *ebpf.Map) (string, error) {
	var (
		sb  strings.Builder
		key []byte
		val uint32
	iter := m.Iterate()
	for iter.Next(&key, &val) {
		sourceIP := net.IP(key) // IPv4 source address in network byte order.
		packetCount := val
		sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%s => %d\n", sourceIP, packetCount))
	return sb.String(), iter.Err()

This takes an eBPF map as input, iterates over the key-value pairs in the map, and returns a string representation of the map’s contents. Here’s what each line of the function does:

func formatMapContents(m *ebpf.Map) (string, error) { defines the function with a parameter m representing the eBPF map to be formatted and a return type of a string and an error.

  1. var ( defines multiple variables in a single line.

  2. sb strings.Builder declares a strings.Builder variable named sb. This variable is used to build up the formatted string.

  3. key []byte declares a []byte variable named key. This variable is used to store the key of the current key-value pair during iteration.

  4. val uint32 declares a uint32 variable named val. This variable is used to store the value of the current key-value pair during iteration.

  5. iter := m.Iterate() creates a new iterator for the given eBPF map m. The Iterate method returns an iterator object which is used to iterate over the map’s key-value pairs.

  6. for iter.Next(&key, &val) { starts a loop that iterates over the map’s key-value pairs.

  7. The Next method of the iterator object returns true if there are more key-value pairs to be iterated over, and assigns the current key and value to the variables passed as pointers to it.

  8. sourceIP := net.IP(key) converts the []byte key into an net.IP object representing the IPv4 source address in network byte order. This is necessary because the eBPF map stores IP addresses as byte arrays.

  9. packetCount := val stores the value of the current key-value pair in the packetCount variable.

  10. sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\t%s => %d\n", sourceIP, packetCount)) formats the current key-value pair as a string and writes it to the sb string builder.

  11. return sb.String(), iter.Err() returns the final string representation of the eBPF map’s contents as well as any error that occurred during iteration.

  12. The String method of the strings.Builder object returns the built string, and the Err method of the iterator object returns any error that occurred during iteration.

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