SysFlow Plugin for ebpf data transfer

Last Update : 21 December, 2023 | Published : 17 April, 2023 | 2 Min Read

How to build a plugin for a sysflow transfer eBPF data to your custom endpoint

sf-processor provides a performance optimized policy engine for processing, enriching, filtering SysFlow events, generating alerts, and exporting the processed data to various targets.

Please check Sysflow Processor for documentation on deployment and configuration options.

  1. Let’s clone the sf-processor repository.
git clone
  1. Go to cloned repository
cd sf-processor
  1. Open the Dockerfile.
vi Docker

Add the local endpoint PORT to your Dockerfile

 EXPOSE 9091 

update loglevel=trace 4. Go to core/exporter/transports

cd core/exporter/transports

In file.go file find the Export() function. Add custom endpoint code

 resp, err := http.Post("http://localhost:8080/api", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
 if err != nil {
  return err
  1. In order to test in your local with docker container. Open sf-processor/docker-compose.yml file and add/update below fields under the sf-processor environment:
  EXPORTER_HOST: localhost
  EXPORTER_FILE_PATH: /processor-export/data.json # container local export data.json file path

NOTE: Need to set ECS_TYPE_INFO = "trace" In order to see the trace logs in your sf-processor

  1. Now build the docker build
cd sf-processor
make docker-build
  1. Now log in to the public docker hub account in terminal or command line(CLI)
 docker login -u username
  1. Now rename the build docker image and push it to the your docker hub account.
 sudo docker images
 sudo docker tag sysflowtelemetry/sf-processor:0.5.0 <docker-hub-username>/sf-processor:0.5.0
 sudo docker push <docker-hub-username>/sf-processor:0.5.0

Sysflow deployment for a custom endpoint with docker hub image local testing

sf-deployments contains deployment packages for SysFlow, including Docker, Helm, and OpenShift.

Please check Sysflow Deployments for documentation on deployment and configuration options.

  1. Let’s clone the sf-deployments repository.
git clone
  1. Go to cloned repository
cd sf-deployments
  1. Open the docker config file.
vi docker/config/.env.processor

update below fields:

  1. Update the docker-compose.processor.yml file under the services -> sf-processer
image: <docker-hub-username>/sf-processer:0.5.0
 example: image: pyswamy/sf-processor:0.5.0

under the Volumes:

     - socket-vol:/sock/
     - /tmp/sysflow:/processor-export/
  1. Now got to cd sf-deployment/docker/ do the deployment by running below command
 sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.processor.yml up 

NOTE: The local api server is always up and running. https://localhost:8080/api

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