Tekton Task Git-Clone

Last Update : 21 November, 2023 | Published : 16 November, 2023 | 4 Min Read

Tekton ClusterTask: git-clone


The git-clone ClusterTask is used to clone a Git repository. It supports various parameters for customization, such as specifying the repository URL, revision, refspec, and more. This task is essential for fetching source code from a Git repository in a Tekton pipeline.


  • url (type: string, default: “”): The URL of the Git repository to clone from.

  • revision (type: string, default: “”): The revision to checkout (branch, tag, sha, ref, etc.).

  • refspec (type: string, default: “”): The refspec to fetch before checking out the revision.

  • submodules (type: string, default: “true”): Initialize and fetch Git submodules.

  • depth (type: string, default: “0”): Perform a shallow clone, fetching only the most recent N commits.

  • sslVerify (type: string, default: “true”): Set the http.sslVerify global Git config. Setting this to false is not advised unless you are sure that you trust your Git remote.

  • crtFileName (type: string, default: “ca-bundle.crt”): The file name of the mounted certificate using the ssl-ca-directory workspace.

  • subdirectory (type: string, default: “”): Subdirectory inside the output workspace to clone the repo into.

  • sparseCheckoutDirectories (type: string, default: “”): Define the directory patterns to match or exclude when performing a sparse checkout.

  • deleteExisting (type: string, default: “true”): Clean out the contents of the destination directory if it already exists before cloning.

  • httpProxy (type: string, default: “”): HTTP proxy server for non-SSL requests.

  • httpsProxy (type: string, default: “”): HTTPS proxy server for SSL requests.

  • noProxy (type: string, default: “”): Opt out of proxying HTTP/HTTPS requests.

  • verbose (type: string, default: “true”): Log the commands that are executed during git-clone’s operation.

  • gitInitImage (type: string, default: “gcr.io/tekton-releases/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/git-init:v0.40.2”): The image providing the git-init binary that this Task runs.

  • userHome (type: string, default: “/home/git”): Absolute path to the user’s home directory.

  • PARAM_SCM (type: string, default: “github.com”): Define the Source Code Management URL.


  • output: The Git repository will be cloned onto the volume backing this Workspace.

  • ssh-directory (optional): A .ssh directory with private key, known_hosts, config, etc. Copied to the user’s home before Git commands are executed. Used to authenticate with the Git remote when performing the clone. Binding a Secret to this Workspace is strongly recommended over other volume types.

  • basic-auth (optional): A Workspace containing a .gitconfig and .git-credentials file. These will be copied to the user’s home before any Git commands are run. Any other files in this Workspace are ignored. It is strongly recommended to use ssh-directory over basic-auth whenever possible and to bind a Secret to this Workspace over other volume types.

  • ssl-ca-directory (optional): A workspace containing CA certificates, which will be used by Git to verify the peer when fetching or pushing over HTTPS.


  • commit: The precise commit SHA that was fetched by this Task.

  • url: The precise URL that was fetched by this Task.

  • committer-date: The epoch timestamp of the commit that was fetched by this Task.



This step uses the git-init binary provided by the specified gitInitImage to perform the Git clone operation. It sets up the necessary Git configurations, handles authentication, and clones the repository.


This step verifies the integrity of the fetched commit using Git’s signature. It checks if the commit has a Good sign (G) or an Evil sign (E). If an Evil sign is detected, it exits with a non-zero status, indicating a potential issue.



This step is responsible for performing the Git clone operation. It utilizes the git-init binary provided by the specified gitInitImage. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Setting Up Environment: It sets up the environment variables required for the clone operation. This includes parameters like URL, revision, refspec, etc.

  2. Handling Authentication:

    • If WORKSPACE_BASIC_AUTH_DIRECTORY_BOUND is set to true, it configures Git credentials using the .git-credentials file. This allows authentication with the Git remote.
    • If WORKSPACE_SSH_DIRECTORY_BOUND is set to true, it copies the .ssh directory (containing private key, known_hosts, config, etc.) to the user’s home. This is used for SSH authentication.
  3. SSL Certificate Verification:

    • If WORKSPACE_SSL_CA_DIRECTORY_BOUND is set to true, it configures Git to use CA certificates for SSL verification.
  4. Cleaning Existing Directory (if required):

    • If PARAM_DELETE_EXISTING is set to true, it clears the contents of the destination directory.
  5. Configuring Proxies (if specified):

    • It sets HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers if provided.
  6. Cloning the Repository:

    • It uses git-init to perform the clone operation. This includes parameters like URL, revision, refspec, etc.
  7. Result Handling:

    • It captures the commit SHA and committer date for later use.

This script ensures that the Git clone operation is performed with the specified parameters and configurations, allowing for a seamless integration into the Tekton pipeline.


This step verifies the integrity of the fetched commit using Git’s signature. It checks if the commit has a Good sign (G) or an Evil sign (E). If an Evil sign is detected, it exits with a non-zero status, indicating a potential issue.


ls -al
cat /etc/os-release
apk update --no-cache && apk add git gpg gpgsm --no-cache
git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace/output
if git log --format="%G?" -n 1 "$(params.revision)" | grep -vq "N"; then
    echo "The commit has a Good sign (G)."
    echo "The commit has an Evil sign (E)."
    exit 1

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