Tekton Task Trivy-Scanning

Last Update : 21 November, 2023 | Published : 16 November, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Trivy Scanner

This Tekton task uses Trivy, a comprehensive scanner for vulnerabilities in container images, file systems, and Git repositories, as well as for configuration issues. It scans for vulnerabilities in the source code in standalone mode.


  • ARGS: The arguments to be passed to the Trivy command.
  • TRIVY_IMAGE: Trivy scanner image to be used.
    • Default: docker.io/aquasec/trivy@sha256:dea76d4b50c75125cada676a87ac23de2b7ba4374752c6f908253c3b839201d9
  • IMAGE_PATH: Image or path to be scanned by Trivy.
  • EXIT_CODE: Define the exit code if severity vulnerabilities are found.


  • manifest-dir



This step runs the Trivy scanner on the specified image or path.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
ls -al
ls -al /workspaces
ls -al target/images
cmd="trivy image --input target/images/docker-image-local.tar --format json"
# cmd="trivy $* /tmp/trivy_scanner_image.tar"
echo "Running trivy task with command below"
echo "$cmd"
eval "$cmd"
echo "result of above command $?"
trivy image --severity CRITICAL --input target/images/docker-image-local.tar --exit-code $(params.EXIT_CODE)
if [[ $? == 1 ]]
  echo "find critical vulns"
  exit 1
  echo "no critical vulns"

It then constructs and executes the Trivy command to scan the specified image. If critical vulnerabilities are found, the task exits with an error code.

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