Tekton Pipeline
This pipeline performs a series of tasks related to source code management, Docker image building, scanning, and signing.
- repo-url: The URL of the Git repository to clone.
- revision: The revision to use.
- PARAM_SCM: Source Code Management URL (default: github.com).
- pathToContext: Path to the build context (default: src).
- imageUrl: Image name including repository.
- imageTag: Image tag (default: latest).
- STORAGE_DRIVER: Storage driver to use (default: vfs).
- trivy-args: Arguments for Trivy scanner (default: [’–format json’]).
- TRIVY_EXIT_CODE: Exit code if critical vulnerabilities are found.
- syft-args: Arguments for Syft scanner (default: [’target/images/docker-image-local.tar’, ‘-o syft-json’]).
- grype-args: Arguments for Grype scanner (default: [’target/images/docker-image-local.tar’, ‘-o json’]).
- SBOM_FORMAT: Software Bill of Materials format (default: spdx-json).
- shared-data: Contains the cloned repository files.
- git-credentials: Basic authentication for Git.
- sonar-project.properties: Sonar details for scanning and pushing results to SonarCloud.
- sonar-token: Sonar authentication token.
- dockerconfig: Docker configuration.
- cosign: Cosign configuration (private key).
- cosign-pub: Cosign configuration (public key).
- docker-credentials: Docker credentials.
- clickhouse: Clickhouse database connection.
- python-clickhouse: Python Clickhouse valuse.
1. fetch-source
- Description: Clones the Git repository.
- Parameters:
- url: $(params.repo-url)
- PARAM_SCM: $(params.PARAM_SCM)
- revision: $(params.revision)
2. sonarqube-scanner
- Description: Runs SonarQube scanner.
- Dependencies: fetch-source
- Workspaces:
- source: shared-data
- sonar-settings: sonar-project.properties
- sonar-token: sonar-token
3. build-dockerfile
- Description: Builds the Docker image.
- Dependencies: fetch-source, sonarqube-scanner
- Workspaces:
- source: shared-data
- dockerconfig: docker-credentials
- Parameters:
- CONTEXT: $(params.pathToContext)
- IMAGE: $(params.imageUrl):$(params.imageTag)
4. trivy-scanner
- Description: Scans the Docker image using Trivy.
- Dependencies: build-dockerfile
- Workspaces:
- manifest-dir: shared-data
- Parameters:
- IMAGE_PATH: $(params.imageUrl):$(params.imageTag)
- ARGS: $(params.trivy-args[*])
5. buildah-push
- Description: Pushes the Docker image to a registry.
- Dependencies: trivy-scanner
- Workspaces:
- source: shared-data
- dockerconfig: docker-credentials
- Parameters:
- CONTEXT: $(params.pathToContext)
- IMAGE: $(params.imageUrl):$(params.imageTag)
6. trivy-sbom
- Description: Generates a Software Bill of Materials using Trivy.
- Dependencies: buildah-push
- Workspaces:
- manifest-dir: shared-data
- clickhouse: clickhouse
- python-clickhouse: python-clickhouse
- Parameters:
- IMAGE: $(params.imageUrl)
- DIGEST: $(tasks.buildah-push.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)
- format: $(params.SBOM_FORMAT)
7. cosign-sign
- Description: Signs the Docker image using Cosign.
- Dependencies: buildah-push
- Workspaces:
- source: shared-data
- dockerconfig: dockerconfig
- cosign: cosign
- Parameters:
- image: “$(params.imageUrl)@$(tasks.buildah-push.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)”
8. cosign-image-verify
- Description: Verifies the signed Docker image using Cosign.
- Dependencies: cosign-sign
- Workspaces:
- source: shared-data
- dockerconfig: dockerconfig
- cosign: cosign-pub
- Parameters:
- image: “$(params.imageUrl)@$(tasks.buildah-push.results.IMAGE_DIGEST)”