
Last Update : 07 August, 2023 | Published : 24 April, 2023 | 2 Min Read

Let’s an example of what that library might look like

  • Define the library namespace
local mydashboard = {};
  • Define a function for creating a new dashboard
mydashboard.dashboard = (title, panels) => {
    title: title,
    panels: panels,
  • Define a function for creating a new row
mydashboard.row = (panels) => {
    panels: panels,
  • Define a function for creating a new panel
mydashboard.panel = (title, datasource, charttype, xaxis, yaxis) => {
    title: title,
    datasource: datasource,
    charttype: charttype,
    xaxis: xaxis,
    yaxis: yaxis,
  • Define some example data sources
local datasources = {
  data1: "http://myapp/data1",
  data2: "http://myapp/data2",
  • Define an example dashboard using the library functions
local mydashboardconfig = mydashboard.dashboard("My Dashboard", [
    mydashboard.panel("Panel 1", datasources.data1, "bar", "x", "y"),
    mydashboard.panel("Panel 2", datasources.data2, "line", "x", "y"),
  • Print the resulting JSON configuration

In this example, we define a mydashboard library namespace that contains functions for creating a dashboard, row, and panel. We also define an example set of data sources and use the library functions to create a dashboard configuration with two panels, one displaying a bar chart and the other displaying a line chart.

To use this library in your application, you can load the library into your Jsonnet code and call the library functions to generate the appropriate JSON configuration for your dashboard. You can also extend the library with additional functions and objects to support more advanced dashboard features, such as custom styling, event handlers, and user interactions.

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