
Last Update : 07 August, 2023 | Published : 24 April, 2023 | 3 Min Read

Grafonnet is a domain-specific language (DSL) for generating Grafana dashboards and panels. Grafana is an open-source data visualization and monitoring tool that allows users to create interactive and customizable dashboards for analyzing and displaying data from various sources. Grafonnet is based on the Jsonnet language and provides a set of high-level abstractions and functions for generating Grafana dashboards and panels. It allows users to define reusable components and templates that can be used across multiple dashboards, making it easier to maintain consistency and standardization across multiple Grafana instances. Using Grafonnet, users can define dashboards, panels, queries, alerts, and annotations in a concise and modular way, and then compile the definitions into JSON format that can be consumed by Grafana. The language also supports advanced features such as conditionals, loops, and functions, allowing users to build complex and dynamic dashboards.

components of Grafonnet:

Grafonnet provides a number of pre-built components and libraries that can be used to create custom Grafana dashboards quickly and easily. Some of the key components of Grafonnet include:

  • Panels: Panels are the basic building blocks of a Grafana dashboard. Grafonnet provides a range of pre-built panel components that can be used to display data in a variety of formats, including tables, graphs, gauges, and more.

  • Layouts: Layouts are used to organize panels within a dashboard. Grafonnet provides a number of flexible and customizable layout components that can be used to create responsive and dynamic dashboards that adapt to changing data and user requirements.

  • Data sources: Data sources are used to connect to external data sources, such as databases, APIs, and other data services. Grafonnet provides a range of data source components that can be used to connect to a variety of data sources and retrieve data for display in a dashboard.

  • Visualizations: Grafonnet includes a number of pre-built Visualizations

Under the hood in Grafonnet:
  | Define JSON data structure using |
  | Grafonnet functions and operators|
  |Compile JSON data structure to    |
  |Grafana dashboard using the       |
  |jsonnet tool                      |
  |Import the compiled Grafana       |
  |dashboard into Grafana            |
  |Grafana renders the dashboard as  |
  |a web page, displaying the data   |
  |and visualizations defined in the |
  |JSON data structure                |
  |Users interact with the dashboard,|
  |changing the time range, filters, |
  |and other options                 |
  |Modify the JSON data structure to |
  |customize the dashboard           |
  |Recompile the JSON data structure,|
  |and update the dashboard          |
Key benifits of Jsonnet:

The key benefit of using Jsonnet as the underlying language for Grafonnet is that it provides a powerful templating system that allows you to generate dynamic configurations based on variables, conditions, and other programmatic constructs. This makes it possible to define reusable components and templates that can be easily shared and combined to create complex dashboards.

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