
Last Update : 14 August, 2023 | Published : 01 July, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Avatar - can be used to display people or objects, its basically like a profile photo. Usually we see avatars in:

  • User Profile pages


import Avatar from '@intelops/intelops_ui/packages/react/components/Avatar/src';

Create an Avatar

    alt="intelops logo"
    Avatar Name


idstringUnique to each element can be used to lookup an element getElementById( )
classNamestringTo add new or to override the applied styles
childrennodeComponents content
variantstringThe shape in which your avatar appears - square or circle
srcstringThe URL of the image that needs to be displayed
altstringThe alternate text in case the image fails to load
sizestringTo alter your avatar sizes, from xsmall to xlarge

Variant Types (Available button types)

Avatars come in different shapes and sizes.

Size Variants

2 avatar variants:

  • circle
  • square
Avatar Sizes

5 size options:

  • xsmall
  • small
  • medium
  • large
  • xlarge

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