
Last Update : 14 August, 2023 | Published : 01 July, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Tables - used to organize data in rows and columns and when you need to organize data. Tables also allow users to look up a specific information.


import Table from '@intelops/intelops_ui/packages/react/components/Table/src';

Create a Table

    title ="Intelops"
        {Header:"Name", accessor:"userName"},
        {Header:"Status", accessor:"status"},
        { Header: "Actions", accessor: "actions" },
            userName: "TJ",
            role: "Manager",
            actions: "Edit", 
            userName: "Ron",
            role: "Developer",
            actions: "Edit", 


idstringUnique to each element can be used to lookup an element getElementById( )
classNamestringTo add new or to override the applied styles
titlestringTitle of the table
columnslist of array elementsNames of the columns and the accessor to add data into the respective columns
tabledatalist of array elementsData that needs to appear in the table - json format

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