
Last Update : 14 August, 2023 | Published : 01 July, 2023 | 1 Min Read

Textfield - how is it different from textarea? textfield is a single line, while textarea is usually multiple lines.


import TextField from '@intelops/intelops_ui/packages/react/components/TextField/src';

Create a Textfield

    placeholder="enter text"
    name="textarea name"


idstringUnique to each element can be used to lookup an element getElementById( )
classNamestringTo add new or to override the applied styles
variantstringThe size of your textfield and its padding
typestringValid HTML5 input value
placeholderstringtext that is visible before you enter data
namestringtitle of the textarea
onChangefunctionTo handle change - when you enter data
onClickfunctionTo handle Click
requiredbooleanIf true, then the field cannot be left empty
disabledbooleanIf true, then the component is disabled


  1. small
  2. default
  3. large

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